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Car articles — child car seats

The smallest passengers need to be transported in special car seats, because they can not keep their balance and behave properly in the car. And it's not even about possible accidents, but about simple braking, when a child can hit hard and get injured.

The choice of car seat is determined by the weight of the baby:

Group 0: for kids up to 10 kg. Such designs are ordinary cradles with special fasteners. A special protection is provided for the head, which increases the level of safety. Some models are equipped with a special pen for comfortable transfer car seats for children.

Group 0+: for children up to 13 kg. This is already a full-fledged armchair with safety belts set against the motion.

Group 0+ and 1: provides the ability to adjust the seatback. Some models are equipped with the IsoFix protection system.

Group 1: for children weighing 9-18 kg. Suitable for passengers who already feel confident sitting. As protective elements are special belts or the IsoFix system. Some designs provide a special table, which protects the baby from shocks during a sharp braking.

Group 1-2: weight 9-25 kg. This is a universal design, with wide sides and the ability to adjust the slope of the seats.

Group 2-3: for children weighing 15-36 kg. As protective elements serve regular seat belts. Spink can be adjusted to the height of the passenger, you can transform into a booster.

Group 1-2: for babies weighing 9-36 kg. Universal models with wide possibilities of adjustment of seats. A practical option, because it is suitable for a child of different ages, due to what you do not need to change the device often.

The question of how to choose a car seat, arises from those who first encounter such a choice. Some are deterred by the universality of models, believing that such designs can not provide the necessary protection. However, at the age of 1.5 years is an ideal option, as children grow differently in this period and it is very difficult to adapt to a certain type of car seats. In addition, this is a budget option, especially if you very rarely take your baby on a trip.

Side protection of the head, neck and shoulders is not a mandatory requirement for car seats, but such elements significantly increase the safety and reliability of fixing a small passenger. The quality of the base material is often used metal, which is considered the most reliable, but also the heaviest, as well as plastic: an affordable, durable and lightweight option.

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TOP-3 child car seats. Child car seat rating 2022


Looking for a quality child car seat? This rating of child car seats will show the most popular models among motorists. The best car seats for kids 2022. all…


Child car seat standards: ECE 044 and UN R129 (i-Size)


A child car seat is a must purchase for every parent. Safety and compliance with international standards are the main criteria for choosing a car seat. Consider what are the modern safety standards for car seats for children. all…


German brand of child car seats Avova in Ukraine


Avova child car seats are one of the safest and most comfortable car seats for children. German quality, compliance with strict European standards and 50 months of warranty service will make the child's ride in the Avova child car seat comfortable and safe. all…


Useful accessories for car seats


What are the accessories for baby car seats? There is a wide range of different useful accessories such as child car seat platforms, seat back organizers, protective mats and many more. In this article, we will look at most of these accessories for a child car seat. all…


Replacing a child car seat after an accident


Do I need to change my child car seat after an accident? How to exchange a child seat for a new one after an accident? all…


How to teach a child to ride in the car seat?


How to teach a child to ride in the car seat? This issue is of concern to many parents who are faced with the problem that the child does not want to ride in the chair. In fact there are several reasons why the kid refuses to wear seat and sit quietly and with the right approach all of them can be eliminated. In this article you will learn what to do if a child does not want to go back and how to teach it from a very early age. all…


How to properly care for the child car seat


Not all parents know how to take care of the car seat. And this is a very important process, because the seat upholstery is constantly in contact with the skin baby. Few people think that it is necessary to wash the car seat is not only after the child is his heavily soiled, but also conducts regular hygienic cleaning to remove dust and dirt, not visible to the eye. all…


Children's car seats Evenflo features and benefits


Baby car seat Evenflo-is universal models, which are intended for children from birth to 12 years. It sovreemnnye reliable komkortnye and safe car seats. Carefully designed and meets the strict standards, ensuring a high level of protection of the child in case of emergency. all…


Certification of car seats how to choose seat for a child in a car


The safety of transporting children in a car is a very important issue and should be approached responsibly. You can not ignore the requirements of the SDA on the use of special restraints, which in case of an accident should protect the child from injury. However, when choosing a child car seat, it is important to consider many factors, one of which is certification, confirming its reliability and compliance with modern European safety standards. all…


How to properly install child car seats?


The correct installation of a child car seat directly affects the reliability and degree of protection that it will provide to the child in the event of an accident. Therefore, each parent must know how to properly secure the car seat in the car. We consider the main types of mounts and the procedure for installing different car seats. all…


What to choose for transporting a child: a booster or a car seat?


Choosing a car seat for a child is a very important and urgent issue, especially with the introduction of new penalties. Parents often don’t know which car seat is better, more reliable and safer than a car seat different from a booster, etc. In this article we will consider the features of boosters and car seats, their purpose, differences and important points that should be paid attention to during their operation. all…


Ukraine introduced fines for transporting children without a car seat


Child safety is a very important issue that cannot be ignored. The other day, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine supported the bill, which introduces administrative responsibility for non-compliance with the established rules for the transport of children. all…


Accessories for car seats the main types and purpose


The use of accessories for children's car seats increases the comfort of their use for the child and his parents, and also protects the interior from mechanical damage. There are a lot of accessories, what are their features and purpose. Read about it in this article. all…


Britax Römer car ceats - innovation and true german quality


Britax Romer child car seats are a model of reliability and safety. The company has combined English and German traditions and today is a leader in the production of automotive child protection systems, constantly developing and introducing the latest technology. The history of the brand, advanced developments and features of car seats. all…


Is it possible to carry a child in a car seat in the front seat?


Can I put my child in the front passenger seat in the car? What the law says about it? What is the danger of transporting children in the front seat, and what rules should be followed to provide the baby with maximum protection. all…


Truth and myths about child car seats


The use of car seats is a necessity, as it is a mandatory element of protection for minor passengers in case of getting into an accident. It is very important that the chair was of high quality and reliable. This article discusses the most common myths associated with the operation of child seats, which prevent parents from properly transferring children in the car and may even pose a threat to the life of the child. all…


TOP-5 children's car seats. Children's car seats rating 2019


Looking for a quality baby car seat? This rating of children's car seats will show the most popular car seats for children among motorists. The best children's car seats 2019. all…


How to choose the right car seat for a newborn baby?


How to choose a comfortable and safe car seat for a newborn, what should I look for? Features chairs group 0/0 + all…


Features of the car seats use for children in winter


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Safety precautions when using baby car seats


To ensure complete safety for your child during travel time in a car, many parents use child car seats. And this is not surprising-thanks to such devices, the child sits quietly, it is interesting for him to stay in such a chair, and it is also cozy and comfortable. all…


Child car seats — 10 hot topics

Children's chairs cause a lot of controversy among parents and experts. Someone still thinks that you can do without them, while others are sure that their availability is the main factor of safe trips. We collected and answered the most popular questions in one article. all…


Children in the car: rules of transportation of children in Ukraine and Europe

For trips by car with children, the driver must necessarily have a baby car seat or booster to protect the child and improve the comfort of the trip. In this article, we will consider in more detail the rules for the transportation of children in Ukraine and Europe. all…


Car seat or car seat - what to choose?

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The most detailed guide for choosing a car seat

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Tips for professionals to transport children in the car

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How to transport a child in a car seat in winter clothes?

When the car is cold, the transportation of children in the car seat is very difficult. Read this article to find out how to transport a child in a car seat, if the interior is not warmed or the child is in winter clothes. all…


How to transport a child in a car

A child car seat is a must for drivers with children. But not everyone knows how to transport a child in a car correctly and safely - the information in the article all…


How to choose the right car seats and boosters?

In order to get a good baby car seat, the choice of device should be based on the group, type of attachment and comfort. These and other nuances are described in this article ... all…


Features and criteria for choosing children's car seats

To date, the choice of car seats is simply huge. In order not to get confused in the choice, we collected in one article all the features, as well as the criteria for choosing a child car seat. all…


What you need to know about child car seats?

Choose a safe car seat is very simple. We have prepared a special memo, which describes the main nuances, which should be taken into consideration when choosing. all…


TOP 5 misconceptions about the need for a child car seat

Baby car seat - this is the most important car accessory, which is designed to protect the child. Around this device there are often myths that we will dispel in this article. all…


Child car seats. Lookup wizard

Master selection help to choose baby car seats on the basis of fundamental criteria. all…


Child car seat ISOFIX (isofix), what is it?

Height, weight, age of a small passenger, quality of materials, back rest, reliability, safety, crash tests, standards and certification ... What else should parents think about when choosing a car seat for children? Fastening - reliable and correct - the most important element of the effectiveness of the restraining device. Increasingly there is fixing Isofix - what is it, why, how it works, is it worth buying? all…


Baby car seat: how to choose the right one

Nobody and nothing will not protect the child when driving in the car, as a properly selected baby car seat. What are the car seats for children? Can I buy a seat for several years in advance? To make the right choice, pay attention to the most popular mistakes when buying a car seat ... all…


Description and selection of child booster seats

Your child has grown out of his car seat and ready to ride in the car "grown-up"? Then it's time you buy a booster. Booster - a simplified version of the full child seat II / III group. It can be carried in children weighing more than 15 kg, ranging roughly from 4-6 years... all…


Still undecided about whether to buy a car seat?

Child safety in the car starts with the seat - agree with this, many parents today. But there are still some belief that the child seat is not necessary to travel. Let's look at the main arguments of the opponents car seats ... all…


Carsits for children or ... Attention! Baby in car!

Child seats decide to buy all the responsible parents. Choosing car seats - not an easy task in which we can help to understand the responsibility of parents. all…


Groups of children's car seats and general recommendations on them

Child car seat. It is installed on the stationary seat of the car is equipped with safety belts to securely hold it in infants and children. Browse groups of child car seats and general advice on the selection you'll find in this article .... all…


Baby Car Seats — required or wasted purchase? Part 2

If you have already decided that the car seat — it's not a useless acquisition, and retention means necessary, then how do you choose the most correct and most reliable? For now many options, so many different manufacturers, for which parameters need to be addressed in the first place? Is the most expensive seat in the best? Where to buy a car seat? all…


Baby Car Seats — required or wasted purchase? Part 1

Car seat — what is it? Fashion trends, the impact of advertising, or another trick, forcing parents to spend money on an unnecessary purchase, not to pay a fine in connection with the decision taken by Ukrainian law on October 1, 2008 on the rules of transportation of children? Can a car seat travel helps to secure young passengers in the car and can actually save his life? all…


Heyner child seats — safety and quality!

Heyner company , due to its unique engineering solutions, manufacturing expertise and technology to fulfill all necessary requirements and has developed a comfortable, safe and secure baby seat. All models of car seats were Heyner strictest European safety standard ECE 44/04, and tested in numerous crash tests by the German automobile club ADAC. Products Heyner differs increased margin of safety, reliability, ergonomics and more features and design. All plants were tested in accordance with the latest environmental and manufacturing standards ISO-9001 ... all…

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