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Automotive articles - compressors for cars

Tire services — this is not a problem for modern car owners. However, there are situations when the service is not around, and you need to pump up the wheel right now. At such times, the compressor is an indispensable element. It is recommended to always keep the device with you: how many situations will arise on the road.

Compressor for inflating tires- this is an improved pump, only in the first case you do not need to exert any physical effort, besides, you get more opportunities: save time, accurately determine tire pressure, do not overload the network. It is necessary to control the tire pressure level because if it is not enough, the gasoline consumption will increase and the tire life will be shortened. Also, if there is a different pressure in the wheels, the car becomes less maneuverable and manageable.

Types of compressors:

Membrane — is easy to use, can easily be repaired with breakage of individual parts, is compact in size. Ideal — tires up to 14 inches. Since the main element is the membrane, which loses its elasticity in the frost, such devices are not recommended for use in winter.

Piston — designs with high performance parameters, well cope with the functionality even at minus temperature. The time of continuous operation is no more than 20 minutes.

Rotary — the most productive devices. Reliable in operation and easy to use.

The question of how to choose autocompressors, often arises in novices who first encountered such a purchase. Here, in the first place, you need to consider the performance parameter. It is responsible for the air inflation rate. As a rule, membrane designs have no more than 40 liters / minute, piston ones — up to 160, and rotor ones — up to 300 liters. The more transportation — the more productivity you need.

In the selection of autocompressors, consider the maximum pressure. For passenger cars often enough and 3 atmospheres, which can be found in almost every model of the device. For truck owners, there are designs from 8 atm. Models with a pressure of 10 atm. universal, because can easily cope even with the pumping of the boat. It is believed that the higher this parameter, the more reliable the autocompressor.

The manometer allows you to measure tire pressure. So, digital — the most accurate and reliable, analog — is a dial with a scale. Autocompressors with the auto-stop function allow you to save energy and simplify the process of pumping tires.

Learn more Autocompressors — selection wizard

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