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Automotive Articles — DVRs — за 2013 year

DVR — selection wizard

Car DVR — how not to be mistaken?

Car DVR — how not to be mistaken?

"Thanks to the DVR, I was left with the rights", "With the help of the DVR, auto-supports," divorce "for money," "Without a DVR you could not find the driver who had disappeared from the scene ..." Drivers share positive experience in the network, choose, help each other buy a DVR for all occasions. How not to make a mistake in your choice? Pay attention to this. all…


DVR: 5 Reasons to Buy

DVR: 5 Reasons to Buy

You are armed with a miniature video camera car? Or still hesitate: "And why do I still DVR in car ..."? Here are a few reasons for this... all…


DVR with Night Shot - IR and LED backlight

DVR with Night Shot - IR and LED backlight

About the features of the modern night shooting camcorder. After all, a situation where video recorder are crucial and invaluable often occur exactly in the dark. In this overnight trip - another pair of eyes that can capture meaningful data at extremely low visibility and often with minimal light and unstable ... all…

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