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Voltage converter — master of selection

How to choose an inventory (voltage converter)

Inventor (voltage converter) is very relevant when driving a car to the cottage, to nature or when the light is turned off . Its main task is the conversion of DC 12 V to AC 220 V. Using a converter, you can use household appliances anywhere-in the forest, on the beach, in the country, in all places where it is difficult to find electricity. You can connect a laptop, computer, TV, vacuum cleaner, refrigerator, hairdryer, iron, etc. to the converter.

When choosing voltage converters, you need to pay attention to the rated power of the inverter (it should be one and a half to two times the power of the connected device), the output signal form (pure or modified sinusoid) and the type of connection (to the cigarette lighter or directly to the battery). Looking for an inverter? Buy in Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov, you can at Delivery in Ukraine.

Connection Type

To select a voltage converter based on the type of connection, click on the appropriate image.

Connecting to a cigarette lighter
Connecting to a cigarette lighter
Battery connection
Battery connection

More information about connection types

There are two types of connection for voltage converters: the connection to the cigarette lighter socket (for low-power converters) and the connection directly to the battery terminals (for more powerful converters).

Power Rating

To select a voltage converter based on its power, click on the corresponding item in the list.

More information about the power of the transducers

The rated power of the inverter must be greater than the rated power of the devices you intend to connect. It is desirable that the power was 1.5-2 times higher.


To select a voltage converter based on the output waveform, click on the appropriate image.

Pure sine wave
Pure sine wave
Modified Sine Wave
Modified Sine Wave

More information about the shape of the output signal

In most voltage converters, the output waveform is Modified Sine Wave. Almost all household appliances can be connected to such converters. An exception may be medical equipment, plasma panels, instrumentation, devices with an asynchronous motor, and other devices that are especially sensitive to the output waveform. But there are transducers with a pure sine wave-you can connect any devices that are sensitive to the output waveform to them.

With inverters buy:

Car Batteries

The battery is essentially the "heart" of the car, without it it will not go anywhere. The average service life of the battery, with proper operation is about five years, after which it can suddenly stop working. Therefore, if your battery is already living the fourth year of its life, or it quickly loses its capacity, or does not allow the engine to start in the morning, then you should consider buying a new one.


To fully operate a car battery, it must be charged from time to time. To charge the battery using special chargers.

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