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Preparing for winter use of the car

Preparing for winter use of the car

With the arrival of winter, every driver faces the challenges and difficulties associated with using a car in cold conditions, snowfalls and icy roads. Preparing your vehicle for winter use is an important part of caring for safety and comfort in cold weather. And it is very important not to ignore it. Otherwise, it will be too late later, and some problems will be extremely difficult to solve if certain measures are not taken in advance. Let's look at all the main points that you need to pay attention to.

What to do if the car is frozen?

Preparing for winter use of the car

Preparing your car for winter use requires special attention. In conditions of severe frosts and snowfalls, the primary task is to ensure unimpeded access to the car, which may suddenly find itself frozen: the locks and door seals are stuck, the windows are covered with frost, and the entire car is sunk in a snowdrift up to the roof. What to do in such a situation?

An effective means for quickly removing ice from windows and defrosting door locks are special car defrosters. There are also compounds designed to combat frozen door seals. Although the chemical composition of defrosters is largely similar, the key difference is in the method of application: for locks, a special spout with a fine stream is used, and for glass, an aerosol spray is used.

If everything is frozen to the point that you need a defrost, there is a lot of moisture, so it is important to identify the cause of the problem to avoid it happening again. To treat door locks, it is recommended to use a universal lubricant that penetrates into the parts of the mechanism and pushes out water, and to lubricate rubber door seals, it is better to use lubricants that contain predominantly silicone.

It is necessary to have a snow and ice scraper brush on hand. Don't worry about possible damage to the windshield - its working edge is made of plastic or rubber, which makes it safe for hard glass. The safety of a good view is more important than minor scratches, which may not occur if the scraper is used carefully. It is best to choose double-sided models - a scraper on one side, a brush on the other. It is advisable that the scraper have a telescopic handle to make it easier to clear snow from the roof of the car.

And, of course, do not forget that the defroster and scraper must be located outside the frozen car. Car enthusiasts often store accessories in the trunk, but if it doesn’t open, it’s pointless. So, if heavy snowfalls and frosty nights are expected, take the time to remove the defroster and brush from the trunk. This way you'll be ready to deal with ice and snow in the morning.

How to start the engine

Preparing for winter use of the car

So, you have successfully defrosted the locks and were able to get into the cabin, the next step is to start the engine, and here various troubles may arise, but they can be solved.


One of the most common problems is battery drain. It is worth remembering that the average battery life is 5-6 years, and if your battery is already "aged", then replacement may be the best solution.

If replacing the battery is not part of your plans, it is possible to extend the life of the battery using a battery charger. Before the upcoming severe frosts, it is recommended to remove the batteries, bring it home, warm it up to room temperature and connect it to the charger for 2-12 hours. This will reduce the risk of problems starting the engine on frosty mornings.

For those who often travel outside the city and may encounter the problem of battery discharge in remote locations, it is recommended to purchase an autonomous starting device (booster). This portable power bank will easily help you start your engine. Many models come with jumper cables, and they can also be used to start the engine from another car's battery if necessary. However, it is worth remembering that constantly lighting a cigarette can negatively affect the working condition of the battery. In case of problems with the battery, it is better to purchase a charger or a new battery.

Fuel and additives

Problems can also arise due to condensation in the fuel system, this is especially true for diesel cars. At -20°C, air passing through open piping elements while driving along the highway can cause them to freeze, even if a winterizer is used. ny diesel".

Special additives such as diesel antigel can prevent fuel from freezing. It is important to choose compounds that work as a preventative, preventing freezing, and defrosters that are used after diesel fuel freezes.

There may also be problems with starting gasoline engines at low temperatures and/or high humidity. In this case, you can use compositions for quick engine starting that contain flammable substances. However, their use should be minimized as they can damage the power plant and are intended for emergency situations rather than regular use.

Driving safely on slippery roads

Preparing for winter use of the car

When it comes to driving safely on cold days, especially on icy roads, advice on choosing the right tires and the necessary accessories for safe driving can be valuable tips.

If you encounter difficulties on icy roads, winter studded tires can be a reliable ally. Despite some dissatisfaction among motorists due to noise, fuel consumption and some inconveniences on the asphalt, high-quality studded tires from market leaders are free of many of these problems, but they are also more expensive.

Of course, you can also use the more popular studless winter tires, which perform well in winter conditions. But when there is heavy snowfall, they may experience difficulties on ice, having trouble riding on inclines and difficulty braking on downhills.

In the most extreme conditions, snow chains, anti-slip strips and tire tracks can come in handy. If you have them in the trunk just in case, then this can be very useful during heavy snowfall.

Providing comfortable conditions on the road

Preparing for winter use of the car

In addition, on long trips in winter, it will be useful to have a portable car electric kettle or thermal mug to provide yourself with a hot drink that will help you warm up. It wouldn't hurt to take care of a sufficient supply of food.

Another important step to ensure comfort and safety during the colder months is to install heated seats. This is an effective way to provide yourself and your passengers with comfortable temperature conditions even on the coldest days. Moreover, you can use both built-in seat heaters and heated covers or capes that connect to the cigarette lighter. All of these options will help you stay warm.

It is also worth taking care in advance of having a blanket, a blanket and a shovel for removing snow, as well as a sufficient amount of fuel in the tank - all this will be an indispensable and very important arsenal for your comfort and safety if you actively use the car in winter conditions.

In our online store you can buy a wide variety of car accessories in Kyiv, Kharkov or Odessa that can be useful in winter for car maintenance and to provide additional safety and comfort.

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