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Children in the car: rules of transportation of children in Ukraine, Europe and other countries

Of course, summer is a time of travel, recreation and the sea. And with the introduction of a visa-free regime for the countries of the European Union, the opportunities for Ukrainians have become even greater. To travel to new countries, everyone chooses their own way of traveling: plane, train or car. Families with children increasingly prefer the latter option, as it is more comfortable and roomy. However, it requires compliance with certain rules, for example, the presence of a child car seat.

Children in the car: rules of transportation of children in Ukraine, Europe and other countries

Rules of transportation of children in Ukraine

In Ukraine, in truth, the rules for the carriage of children do not receive due attention. To buy a baby car seat or not is a purely personal matter for parents. However, drivers are more responsible for the transportation of the smallest passengers, so you can often find a car seat or booster in the back seat.

The presence of such a design is not only a safe trip for the baby, but also the SDA requirement: you can not carry a child under 12 without a special car seat, including a motorcycle or a moped.

Today, seats for different ages are available for sale, there are also universal, which are transformed with the growth of the child. Fastening of seats is carried out with the help of standard belts or using the system "Isofix". At the same time, it is strictly not recommended to choose used structures, because even minor accidents can call into question the high safety of products.

The younger the children, the more important is the position for sleeping. So, it's better to choose models that can change their position. It will also be useful here if the chair can be adjusted to the width and height, the length of the pillow.

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine 29.10. 2019 adopted the law "On Amendments to the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses regarding the Establishment of Responsibility for Violating the Rules for the Transport of Children" (No. 1150). According to this document, the Administrative Code of Ukraine now provides for administrative liability for drivers for violation of the rules for the transportation of children in the form of a fine:

  • 510 UAH. (or 13 tax-free minimum incomes of citizens) — the first detection of a violation.
  • 850 UAH. (or 50 tax-free minimum incomes of citizens) — for repeated violation within one year.

Rules for the carriage of children in cars in Europe and other countries

In Europe there are very strict rules for the transportation of children and the presence of a child car seat is mandatory. Including, forbid to leave the child in the parked car unattended. Fines depend on the country, but the requirements are the same everywhere.

Therefore, if this summer you planned a trip abroad, you can not do without a car seat. As one of the options, you can choose the appropriate model for the child's age:

  • Up to 6 months: devices of category 0+ are suitable. To transport it is necessary on a course of movement while the kid will not weigh from 13 kg.
  • 6 months - 1 year: here the best and practical option will be 0 + / 1 constructions.
  • 1-2 years: you can buy a model of category 1 or pay attention to universal options: 1-2-3.
  • 2-3 years: babies at this age are particularly growing, so in order to save, yet more practical will be universal chairs.
  • From 3 years: choose devices of category 2-3.

During the selection, do not forget to take into account the comfort of children. After all, they will have to spend all the time in the chair. In advance, take care of maintenance of the structure: it is desirable to have a removable cover.

Buying a child car seat is a way to save yourself from fines and consequences of accidents. Also such a small design will bring even more comfort for a family trip.

Delivery in Ukraine baby car seat buy can be in Kiev, Kharkov, Odessa on

Due to the high demand for child car seats and boosters, availability is currently limited. Now it is possible to order the following boosters and get them within 10-15 days.

See video reviews of children's car seats

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