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Is a baby car seat a necessity or a luxury? Part 2

Is a baby car seat a necessity or a luxury? Part 2If you have already decided that a car seat is not a useless acquisition, but a necessary restraining agent, then how to choose the most correct and most reliable one? After all, there are now so many options, so many different manufacturers, which parameters should be paid attention first of all? Is the most expensive car seat the best? Where to buy a car seat? There are a lot of questions, and, unfortunately, not always even sales consultants can provide the necessary information. Sometimes, having been in several stores for the sale of car seats, you get different and sometimes conflicting answers, which makes your choice even more difficult. To prevent this from happening, in this article we will try to give you comprehensive answers so that you can make your choice quickly and easily..

In order to determine whether the car seat is suitable for your child, it is not enough just to look at its appearance. Reliable and safe car seat must be marked ECE R44/04. It is this that is evidence that the model has passed the entire test cycle in Europe and satisfies the relevant requirements of the European Safety Standard. That is what needs to be paid first. If there is no marking, it means that the seat did not pass the proper tests in crash tests and cannot be considered safe.

The body of the car seat should be made of impact-resistant plastic or metal. The second is more reliable, but more expensive and heavier. If the body is plastic, then it should be well strengthened and have damping properties due to air chambers and stiffeners. Due to this, the impact of the hull does not crumble, but, on the contrary, it absorbs, absorbing the dynamic impact.


The head restraint should have enhanced side protection, as evidenced by the markings on the upholstery or label. This headrest protection protects against side impacts and skids, thereby preventing serious injuries and head injuries.

The car seat must have head protection

For some groups of seats, additional liners are relied upon to help fix the child’s head and body as securely as possible in the anatomically correct position. If the child has to spend a long time traveling, he can sleep in the car seat, then additional liners will help to maintain the natural position of the head, and it will not fall on its side. The foam that covers the case under the upholstery should have a uniform texture and not crumble.

Inside material of car seat heads

The chair should be anatomically correct shape, in which the child can comfortably travel, rest and even sleep without an extra load on the spine, which will help maintain posture and relieve any discomfort. Especially at this age, the child is already able to sit, so the support of the spine should be as strong as possible. The back should have several positions for sleeping and waking. Reinforced lateral protection in the thighs and shoulders is another requirement, because thanks to this protection, with side shocks, your child will be reliably protected and the chair will take over.

There are car seats that can compactly fold, such as the seat of the German company Heyner, which allows them to be transported in the trunk of any car. It would seem that such a minor detail at first glance, and at the same time, it has its advantages. If suddenly the car seat is not needed, and the passengers do not fit in the cabin, then you can quickly hide it in the trunk. Such a car seat, of course, should be of interest to taxi drivers if Ukraine adopts a law on the safe transportation of children and in taxis in particular, as it did in Russia. Otherwise, taxi drivers will pay fines or will have to sacrifice one passenger seat under the car seat, even if there is no child in the taxi.

The safety belts with which the child is fastened in the car seat must be five-point (for children weighing up to 18 kg), with soft and wide shoulder pads, which are necessary not only so that the child does not feel discomfort from the belts, but also for protection frontal bumps. The lining material should be soft, well, if there are anti-slip elements on the back side so that the lining does not move.

Car seat belts

Belts should be easily adjustable for height and tension. The presence of the guiding mechanisms in the child car seat helps maintain belt tension. The central lock must be securely closed so that under no circumstances can the child unfasten it independently. A special fabric pad on the lock will protect the lower part of the abdomen from damage during a frontal strike.

Belts and car seat lock

Car seat upholstery must be hypoallergenic-this means that in its composition there are no harmful and coloring particles that can cause allergies in the child. It should be easy to remove and rub off, and the dirt-repellent effect makes it even more practical and less branded. The fabric should be breathable, since the baby’s skin is very delicate, it can easily become inflamed and covered with prickly heat, if the fabric is not breathable and moisture-absorbing. The child should not feel any discomfort, and if he is hot and wet in the car seat, then he will have to forget about the quiet ride. The fabric must also be flame-retardant, as indicated by the appropriate mark.

Anti-inflammable car seat fabric

This is important, since such a fabric will not heat up in the sun, and in the event of an accident, the chair will not burn. The upholstery must be made with high quality, with neat and loose seams, straight lines.

The child car seat should be easily installed in any car with regular seat belts. Even if the seat is called universal, it may not fit the profile of the seats of your car, the length of the standard seat belt may not be enough, and such a fastening system as the Isofix may not fit the mount in your car. Therefore, acquiring a child car seat with this mount, you must make sure that it really will be installed correctly and fit into the interior of your car. The easier the chair is installed, the greater the chance that you will install it exactly as it should. According to statistics, 9 out of 10 families install the car seat incorrectly, which reduces, if not minimizes its protective functions. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules for installing a car seat.

Additional accessories attached to the car seat, such as a hood, a cape for legs help create maximum comfort for your baby. The visor will protect from the sun and will not allow the child to overheat, and a cape will help to maintain a certain microclimate in the car seat, which is especially necessary for the youngest passengers, since their thermoregulation is not mature, and they need to maintain a comfortable temperature all the time.

When choosing a car seat, be sure to consider the weight and age of the child, based on this, you can choose the right car seat of the desired category. Do not buy a car seat for growth, it may be large and uncomfortable, and most importantly-do not perform their protective functions. As the child grows, the seat should change or grow with the baby.

It is not recommended to buy children's car seats used, if you do not have absolute certainty that it has not been in an accident. Otherwise, it will not be able to reliably protect your child. Even if there is no visible damage on the body, imperceptible micro cracks in the next push or impact will cause the car seat to simply crumble and not protect your child.

Also, do not focus only on price. In most cases, the price of the car seat corresponds to the product, but it also happens that the seat of a well-known brand is not justified expensive and there is a good and more affordable alternative presented on The main thing is to take into account all the necessary requirements, and then you will be able to determine whether a high-quality, comfortable and reliable car seat that you are going to purchase. Baby car seat buy in Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov with delivery in Ukraine can be

So, all the requirements and nuances are covered. You choose, because it is about protecting the smallest and most precious passenger in your car. Our store offers a wide selection of children's car seats, and our consultants will provide you with competent advice and help you with your choice.

In the photos in this article, Heyner (Germany) car seats that meet all the above requirements and are available to each family were considered as an example. Easy and reliable, stylish and comfortable, made with love and care for your child.

TOP-3 children's car seats

Best car seats for children

Looking for a quality and the best children's car seats? This rating of children's car seats is made on the basis of such parameters as: high demand with positive feedback from our customers, high-quality manufacturing — absence of factory defects and service calls, and official warranty and post warranty support in Ukraine.

Universal child car seat HEYNER CapsulaProtect 3D Pantera Black (795 100)

Universal child car seat HEYNER CapsulaProtect 3D Pantera Black (795 100)
  • ★ High-quality 3-D design for maximum collision safety
  • ★ Easy seat tilt adjustment
  • ★ Reliable fixing of the child in a car seat

HEYNER MultiRelax AERO Fix Pantera Black Universal Car Seat with ISOFIX (798 110)

HEYNER MultiRelax AERO Fix Pantera Black Universal Car Seat with ISOFIX (798 110)
  • ★ Designed for children from 9 months to 12 years old
  • ★ It is installed both using ISOFIX system connectors and using a standard car seat belt
  • ★ Provides the highest level of comfort and safety

Infant Car Seat Recaro Monza Nova 2 Seatfix Prime Pale Rose

Infant Car Seat Recaro Monza Nova 2 Seatfix Prime Pale Rose
  • ★ Fastening isofix
  • ★ Group: ECE II / III (15-36 kg)
  • ★ Height Adjustable Headrest

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