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Is a baby car seat a necessity or a luxury? Part 1

Is a baby car seat a necessity or a luxury? Part 1Car seat - what is it? Trend of fashion, the impact of advertising or another trick, forcing parents to spend money on an unnecessary purchase, so as not to pay a fine, in connection with the law adopted in Ukraine on October 1, 2008 on the rules for transporting children? Does a child car seat help to protect the movement of a small passenger in a car and can really save his life?

In this article you will find answers to this and many other questions that will help you make the right choice with the least amount of time and the most comprehensive information.

Parents, whose life, one way or another, is closely connected with the car, especially interested in this issue, because they know how sometimes it is difficult and unsafe to transport a small child in it. There is an opinion that the most reliable option is to transport a child in the arms of one of the parents. After all, the strong hands of a loving parent will not allow the child to slip out or hit during steep turns or emergency braking. Moreover, before no one had heard about the car seats, and children were allowed to move in the car, both on their hands and simply in the cabin, and not even wearing their seatbelt.

I would not like to disappoint you, but the fact remains. Unfortunately, no hands will be able to keep the child, much less to keep from a collision or a turn even at a speed of 30 km per hour. What is the danger?

First, a child may hit his head on the windshield, on a car dashboard or front car seat, not to mention that he can simply fly through the windshield to the carriageway under the wheels of the oncoming car. One can only guess about the consequences of such a blow.

Secondly, the parent, in whose hands the child is, during the impact also moves by inertia forward, according to the laws of physics, and hits the child from above. If the weight of an adult exceeds the weight of a child, for example, 5 times, then due to acceleration, body weight increases tenfold. It’s not hard to imagine what kind of injury a small tot might get if such a weight hits him, and even at speed.

Thirdly, with side shocks or sharp turns, a child may hit his head either on the side window, on the door or on a nearby passenger, as if you didn’t hold him tightly, unfortunately, with such a blow, you will not be able to avoid injury. This is evidenced by the crash tests using dummies, while driving a car at medium speed. The video shows what can happen to a child if he is in the arms of one of the parents or is just sitting in the cabin, wearing a seat belt. Looking for a baby car seat? Buy in Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov, you can at Delivery in Ukraine.

It is obvious that regular seat belts can only harm the small passenger, and after such strikes it is impossible to avoid serious injuries and not rarely death.

If the video does not convince you, there is also statistics, but you can not argue with the numbers. According to world statistics, the risk of serious injury and injury, or even death is reduced by 3.5 times, if you use a car seat. It is not for nothing in developed countries that the law prohibiting the transportation of children outside car seats was adopted many years ago, and it is strictly followed. This is done not because of the fear of fines, but for the safety of their own child. In some countries, parents are not even released from the hospital if they do not have a car seat for the newborn. Child safety comes first.

The opinion of rehabilitation doctors should also be considered. Many of them work with children victims of car accidents. They know the frequent cases when the child in the car seat really managed to avoid serious injuries, while children outside the car seats during such accidents remained disabled or underwent a long course of rehabilitation and recovery. To whom, if not to doctors, to be a witness of how a car seat once again proves that it’s not just a beautiful accessory or an extra waste of money, it’s really a necessary restraint that will help protect your child’s life or even save it.

Are you still in doubt? If your child is already more than a year old,-right in your yard, even without leaving the roadway, conduct a small experiment from Just be neat! Get into the car-dad behind the wheel, mom in the back seat with the baby in her arms. Be sure to fasten your seat belts-dad in front, mom in the back. Mom let him sit the child on her lap and hold it with both hands. Next, start driving at a normal speed, which in the yard often does not exceed 5 km/h. At the next corner, let Dad imagine that suddenly the kids are chasing the ball right in front of him and will hit the brakes sharply. Want to know what will happen? And we already know, since the experienced parents themselves, the child will almost hit the front seat. And it’s at a speed of 5 km/h!

So, the answer is unequivocal-a car seat is a necessary purchase if parents care about the safety of their baby, its health and well-being. And you should not indulge yourself with the thought that you are a very careful driver, and you will never have a similar situation. You can be a super professional or extremely attentive driver, but there is no guarantee that the driver of a neighboring car is the same, and then your skill may not help you. Therefore, it is better not to trust the occasion, and to buy a child car seat and reliably protect your child, thereby showing your care and love about him.

TOP-3 children's car seats

Best car seats for children

Looking for a quality and the best children's car seats? This rating of children's car seats is made on the basis of such parameters as: high demand with positive feedback from our customers, high-quality manufacturing — absence of factory defects and service calls, and official warranty and post warranty support in Ukraine.

Universal child car seat HEYNER CapsulaProtect 3D Pantera Black (795 100)

Universal child car seat HEYNER CapsulaProtect 3D Pantera Black (795 100)
  • ★ High-quality 3-D design for maximum collision safety
  • ★ Easy seat tilt adjustment
  • ★ Reliable fixing of the child in a car seat

HEYNER MultiRelax AERO Fix Pantera Black Universal Car Seat with ISOFIX (798 110)

HEYNER MultiRelax AERO Fix Pantera Black Universal Car Seat with ISOFIX (798 110)
  • ★ Designed for children from 9 months to 12 years old
  • ★ It is installed both using ISOFIX system connectors and using a standard car seat belt
  • ★ Provides the highest level of comfort and safety

Infant Car Seat Recaro Monza Nova 2 Seatfix Prime Pale Rose

Infant Car Seat Recaro Monza Nova 2 Seatfix Prime Pale Rose
  • ★ Fastening isofix
  • ★ Group: ECE II / III (15-36 kg)
  • ★ Height Adjustable Headrest

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