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Car care in the fall

When autumn comes, many drivers do not think about autumn car maintenance, which is actually very important. Despite the insignificance of this procedure, it is still necessary to approach it with special care to protect yourself and your car from unforeseen and unpleasant situations on the road or during a trip.

It is precisely security that is considered to be one of the main factors that should influence the decision to diagnose and conduct the next service. Indeed, according to statistics, in the fall more accidents and accidents happen, which is obvious-heavy rainfall, constant fogs or first frosts, accompanied by sudden icy conditions.

Car care in the fall

Therefore, first of all, you need to revise your preferences for fast driving with sudden braking or starts, as well as driving style-to make it more moderate and smooth. In addition, you must comply with very different rules of behavior with some systems of the car-start with special care applies to them.

What we pay attention

Temperature fluctuations, an increase in humidity levels lead to poor visibility on the road. To avoid such situations, you need to pay attention to the following systems and elements of cars:

1. Cabin air filter. In the summer, this element of the car can wear out a lot, which can cause the windows in the cabin to mist up in the autumn. As a result, when the first frosts come, it threatens with the appearance of an ice cover on the windows, frontal and rear window.

2. Headlight adjustment and lighting. Adjust the headlights is necessary, because it depends on the full use of dipped beam during the occurrence of poor visibility on the road. In addition, it would be worth changing the headlights if the driver did not do this for a long time. Using xenon lamps or xenon would be an excellent solution to the problem of poor visibility.

TOP-3 car lamps

Best lamps in the car

Looking for a quality and the best lamps in the car? This rating of lamps in the car is made on the basis of such parameters as: high demand with positive feedback from our customers, high-quality manufacturing — absence of factory defects and service calls, and official warranty and post warranty support in Ukraine.

Car lamp Philips D2S 85 B 35 Bt (85122)

Car lamp Philips D2S 85 B 35 Bt (85122)
  • ★ Emission temperature 4300 ° K
  • ★ Power: 35 W
  • ★ Xenon

Auto-lamp xenon Philips D3S XenEcoStart 35 W

Auto-lamp xenon Philips D3S XenEcoStart 35 W
  • ★ Socle D3S
  • ★ Lamp for lenticular optics
  • ★ Work time — 3000 hours

Auto-lamp xenon OLLO 50 W

Auto-lamp xenon OLLO 50 W
  • ★ Operating temperature from -40 to + 105 degrees
  • ★ Service life from 3000 hours
  • ★ Fast ignition of lamps

3. Replacing wiper blades. It will be better to change them, because with long-term use, the janitors' rubbers may rub off and during operation they may scratch the glass during the autumn time. Alternatively, you can replace the most rubber bands, if the driver wants to save the wiper blades. An excellent device for travel in the fall, at the beginning of the first cold and frost, will be heaters for janitors. With their help, you can easily and quickly eliminate the ice cover formed on the front and rear window of the car.

TOP-3 janitors

Best wipers for cars

Looking for a quality and the best janitors for cars? This rating of janitors for cars is made on the basis of such parameters as: high demand with positive feedback from our customers, high-quality manufacturing — absence of factory defects and service calls, and official warranty and post warranty support in Ukraine.

Wiper blades HEYNER All Seasons Graphit 091 (530 mm – 21")

Wiper blades HEYNER All Seasons Graphit 091 (530 mm – 21
  • ★ length 53 cm
  • ★ Frameless wiper blades
  • ★ with extra brush

Wiper blades for the HEYNER All Seasons Graphit 094

Wiper blades for the HEYNER All Seasons Graphit 094
  • ★ With graphite
  • ★ Frameless wiper blades
  • ★ Length of the janitor — 60 cm

Wiper blades HEYNER HYBRID Graphit 032 (560 mm - 22 ")

Wiper blades HEYNER HYBRID Graphit 032 (560 mm - 22
  • ★ Corrosion-resistant carcass skeleton
  • ★ Aerodynamic Profile
  • ★ Stainless steel spring

4. A set of special car chemicals for appropriate situations in the fall. An excellent solution can be both an “anti-rain” and an “anti-fogger”, but they are not mandatory means, picking them up is an individual desire of each driver. Automotive chemistry may be mandatory for the body, because for the whole summer the car is damaged on the road from sand, pebbles, stones-they make minor dents, scratches, cracks and other irregularities on the surface of the body. Using these tools will eliminate this problem and help avoid the flowering or rotting of the bottom and thresholds of the machine.

Car care in the fall

No less important is the replacement of tires of the car, because summer tires-this is an important factor affecting the increased slip on the road. And this is one of the main factors that cause traffic accidents. Therefore, a timely transition to all-season or winter tires is important and necessary, it ensures the most safe and comfortable driving.

The basic rules of "behavior" on the autumn road

To avoid unpleasant traffic accidents, you need to follow a few driving rules in the fall:

  • forget about the harsh driving style that is so often used in the summer;
  • strictly observe the distance to the car that drives in front;
  • withstand acceptable speed mode.

Adhering to these rules is easy, and compliance with them will provide the driver with a safe ride on the autumn road.

Fighting damp inside the cabin

Car care in the fall

Constant rain and damp on the street go into the car. Riding in such a cabin can badly affect not only the car, but also the state of health of the driver himself. In this situation, it is better to use seasonal textile mats that absorb moisture well. This solution will help keep your feet dry and comfortable.

It is especially important to diagnose climate systems for serviceability. After all, only with their help you can quickly cope with the high level of humidity in the cabin. Thus, after completing all the actions, you can safely ride a car without worrying about the occurrence of dampness or malfunctions in your vehicle.

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