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How to independently check the quality of gasoline?

The problem of the quality of gasoline remains relevant at all times, and it is not always expensive to guarantee a good product. If you regularly use low-quality fuel, then soon it can lead to unstable operation of the car, in particular the engine, difficult starting and other problems.

To avoid possible negative consequences, you can independently determine the quality of gasoline.

How to check gasoline for quality

Useful Tips

In fairly simple ways, without any research centers, you can determine how much quality fuel was sold to you. For this:

- First look at the shade. A good gasoline will always be white, without yellowness, and especially blue. If there are any shades, you can immediately safely abandon this type of fuel and refueling services in general.

Gasoline Shades

- Take manganese and dilute it in gasoline: a small ratio of proportions will do. If you get a mixture with a pink shade, then this is evidence that the fuel was diluted with water.

Gasoline and manganese

- Dampen a plain sheet of paper with gasoline and then dry it. If there are any traces, for example, like after coffee or tea, this indicates the presence of additional additives in the composition.

Gasoline on a sheet of paper

- We take a clean glass and pour fuel on it, set it on fire. Now, if there were residues in the form of soot, then there are additional impurities of benzene. If there are stains of different shades, then added resin. All these substances with regular use will be able to harm the car engine.

Gasoline is burning on the glass

When checking for yourself the quality of gasoline, pay attention to the precautions. Such “experiments” are recommended to be carried out in an isolated place and away from fire. Having checked the fuel several times, you will be able to find a suitable gas station and continue to use only high-quality gasoline.

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