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Child car seat with ISOFIX Recaro Mako Elite Prime Silent Grey

Pr. code (SKU): 130018
Vote(s): 3
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Trade nameMako Elite Prime
Typecar seat without base
Fixing typeISOFIX
Fasting of seat beltsseat belt
GroupECE II/III (15–36 kg)
NoteWith installation along the vehicle: +;
Height adjustable headrest: +;
Removable upholstery: +;
Certification: R129 (i-Size)
Warranty / Service24 months
Price perpcs
With installation along the vehicle+
Height adjustable headrest+
Removable upholstery+
CertificationR129 (i-Size)

Terms of payment

You can buy child car seat with ISOFIX Recaro Mako Elite Prime Silent Grey in Kyiv and other cities (courier delivery around the city and Ukraine). Possible cashless payment, online payment by credit card Visa / MasterCard or payment for order upon receipt.

Authorized Dealer

Description child car seat with ISOFIX Recaro Mako Elite Prime Silent Grey

Dityache avtokrіslo Recaro Mako Elite Silent Grey priznachene for dіtey in vіtsі od 3.5 to 12 rokіv. Tse Suchasnyj zasіb Zahist, yaky garantuє BEZPEKA small passengers pid hour poїzdok on avtomobіlі. Krіplennya danoї modelі zdіysnyuєtsya for Relief sistemi ISOFIX. Tse garantuє simple, Shvidky and smut, nadіynu fіksatsіyu sidіnnya in salonі machine.

Krіslo Got mіtsny frame napovnyuvach — anatomіchna pіna. Tsey materіal zdatny adaptuvatisya pid form tіla ditini scho s once Especially anatomіchnoї shape of the back dozvolyaє stvoriti maximum komfortnі minds.

Vіdpovіdnіst standard I-SIZE

Vіdpovіdnіst standard I-SIZE

Tse avtomobіlne krіslo vіdpovіdaє Suvorov Suchasnyj standards BEZPEKA UN R129 (i-Size). Garantuє Tse, scho given model zabezpechuє Zahist ditini at bіchnih bumps. Sidіnnya sumіsny of usіma avtomobіlyami scho toil logo i-Size, i s bagatma іnshimi avtomobіlnimi sidіnnyami EQUIPPED roz'єmami ISOFIX.

Nayavnіst sistemi ventilyatsії

Nayavnіst sistemi ventilyatsії

sailed svіzhogo povіtrya zabezpechuєtsya zavdyaki have opened the zovnіshnіy obolontsі krіsla i spetsіalnim sіtchastim inserts in chohlі sidіnnya. Tse spriyaє fact scho ditinі to whether yak bude comfortable weather. Navіt trivalih poїzdkah in the country, vіn Buda vіdchuvati currently vіdmіnno.

Spetsіalna sound system

Spetsіalna sound system

In pіdgolіvniku tsogo krіsla Je vbudovany dinamіk i spetsіalny audіo roz'єm. Zavdyaki tsomu pid hour їzdi ditina Mauger sluhati Musica abo audіo-bezposeredno sedentary in krіslі rather than through audіosistemu avtomobіlya. Tse i zruchno for small passengers, for i batkіv.

Mozhlivіst regulyuvannya visota pіdgolіvnika

Mozhlivіst regulyuvannya visota pіdgolіvnika

Zavdyaki fact scho back sidіnnya of pіdgolovnikom regulyuєtsya on visotі, zabezpechuyutsya maximum komfortnі Minds for sidіnnya. Krіslo easy it is not working in mіru growth ditini, zabezpechuyuchi health i put the correct roztashuvannya remenіv.

The system dodatkovoї bіchnoї Zahist

System dodatkovoї bіchnoї Zahist

So krіslo yak Got nadіyny Zahist at bіchnomu zіtknennі vono zdatne poglinuti all practical energіyu, mіnіmіzuyuchi force of impact. Tse zahischaє Maluk od injuries.

Spetsіalnі zahisnі Creel

Spetsіalnі zahisnі Creel

On visotі shoulder peredbachenі osoblivі m'yakі krill zdatnі automatic and pіdlashtovuvatisya pid zrіst ditini. Pong zabezpechuyut not tіlki comfort, ale i dodatkovy Zahist. Zvernіt uwagi, scho Creel Smart Protection Wings takozh rostut time of young passengers. Mauger rest visuvatisya Vgoru pid zrіst to 150 cm.

Акція! Захисний килимок в подарунок до дитячих автокрісел Britax-Romer, Maxi-Cosi, Recaro

Акція! Захисний килимок в подарунок до дитячих автокрісел* Britax-Romer, Maxi-Cosi, Recaro.

*Акція не розповсюджується на моделі автокрісел Britax R?mer DISCOVERY SL, KID II, KIDFIX SL, Adventure.

It is possible to replace the child car seat with a new one in the event of an accident.
Details by this link.

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