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Why a car engine stalls

Periodically, car owners face a problem when the engine stalls. It is especially evident in machines with manual transmission. The reasons for such a malfunction may be very different. The most common ones are:

  • Fuel system. The first thing you need to check it out, namely, the presence of gasoline. If it is over, the problem is solved very simply: by filling in a new fuel. If you just refueled recently, the malfunction may occur due to low-quality gasoline: in this case, you just need to flush the fuel system and fill it with good fuel.
  • Replacing the fuel and air filter. If they are very dirty, then the engine will lose its power and eventually stall. Therefore, timely replacement of the structure is needed.
  • Check the health of all elements of the fuel pump.

The reasons may be individual for each car, so you need to diagnose.

Car engine stalls

If the car stalls when driving

Some car owners may encounter a problem when the engine stalls on the go. In most cases, this malfunction occurs due to problems in the ignition system. However, there may be other reasons:

  • the disappearance of a spark due to problems in the module or ignition coil;
  • crankshaft position sensor malfunction;
  • weakening of the wiring, the appearance of corrosion in the connectors;
  • the generator stopped giving the necessary charge, so the power comes from the battery, the power of which is not enough for a long time.

In very rare cases, the problem can be in electronics and any sensors.

Car stalls on cold

Stopping the engine for cold is one of the most frequent problems. The reason in the case of the carburetor design can be a breakdown of the automatic throttle or its incorrect setting.

If you have a direct injection engine, the throttle valves may be incorrectly located. It is also possible malfunction of the oxygen sensor or thermostat. In rare cases, the on-board computer may break down or the exhaust gas recirculation valve may malfunction.

We perform diagnostics

First you just need to wait until such situations occur more often: then the cause can be determined more accurately. You can also connect the engine to a special diagnostic device that will check it for computer errors. It is recommended to diagnose the battery and the generator. At you can buy a battery tester in Kharkov, Odessa, Kiev with delivery in Ukraine.

Timely car maintenance is the ability to identify potential problems in advance and fix them.

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