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What is GPS monitoring and why is it needed?

GPS monitoring is a specialized system that is designed to monitor and monitor the status of any moving objects. GPS monitoring system can be installed on almost any vehicle-on cars/trucks and buses, river and sea vessels, motorcycles , specialized equipment, which is intended for the implementation of road construction or agricultural work.

Article content:

1. GPS monitoring and what it is

2. Purpose of GPS monitoring

3. GPS monitoring against fuel fraud

4. The advantages of satellite monitoring

GPS monitoring and what it is

GPS monitoring and what it is is

The GPS monitoring system consists of at least two important components-the GPS tracker and its software. GPS tracker is mounted in the vehicle. After that, it determines the coordinates using satellites and transmits the data to a special secure server. As for the software, it is necessary in order to process the received data and display the ready coordinates on the map, where the location of the vehicle will be shown, as well as the route it has carried out over a certain period of time. In addition to determining the route and location, you can get information about stops, mileage, fuel consumption (including refueling and fuel drains), as well as that the vehicle has deviated from the specified route.

Purpose of GPS Monitoring

Purpose of GPS monitoring

The installation of such a system will make it possible to fully monitor the entire vehicle fleet, improve work processes, and completely eliminate abuses on the part of dishonest drivers, such as: endless fuel drains, uncontrolled flights, false checks, counters cheating and other machinations.

Perhaps the most important task that transport companies want to solve with the help of satellite monitoring, in addition to monitoring the location of transport, is the control of fuel consumption. Financial expenses for fuel are one of the most important items in the expenses of transport companies. Reducing fuel costs has a positive effect on revenue. Of course, you can just tell the drivers that they are economical on fuel consumption, but the likelihood that this will work is extremely small, because none of the drivers are interested in this. And if the drivers will save, then they will sell the excess fuel themselves rather than postpone for the next flights. Neglecting the means of control, the management of companies decide on saving on the salary of drivers, arguing that they already receive additional income on the discharge of fuel. And because of this, the number of discharges, frauds and the number of “left” flights, on the contrary, is rapidly growing, and this only has a negative effect on the company's revenues.

It is for this reason that leading companies have long ago equipped their vehicles with a GPS monitoring system. Today, such a system has become much cheaper and more affordable than before. Considering the price of fuel, the installation of GPS equipment for the entire fleet pays for itself very quickly, since it helps save on average 20-30% less fuel. The introduction of such a system will not only eliminate fraud on the part of dishonest drivers, but will also motivate employees to earn and save money honestly, by increasing the salary. GPS tracker can be bought in Kharkov, Kiev, Odessa with delivery in Ukraine at

GPS monitoring against fuel fraud

GPS monitoring against fuel fraud

In order to get an effective control system, you need to know exactly what parameters the system will control and what may be frauds with the fuel. There are many ways to fuel theft, but we will tell you about the most common.

Fuel Drains

The first thing that comes to mind after the phrase "fraud with fuel" is, of course, the discharge of fuel and its subsequent resale. When transport arrives at its destination, its fuel tank rarely stays empty. If the opposite is found, then the remaining fuel is drained by the drivers in order to resell it. The system allows you to control refills and drains, and will help to completely get rid of this problem.

Left flights

If there is no GPS tracker in the car, it’s impossible to know about the real route that the driver passed. Therefore, the emergence of "left" flights and the use of transport by the driver for their own purposes are not excluded. Accordingly, if such flights occur, it means that the fuel was spent more than necessary. This can be eliminated with the help of the introduction of a GPS monitoring system.

Left checks

The following scheme is widely distributed in those companies where drivers buy fuel in cash and report for it with checks. The fraud takes place as follows-for each vehicle and the route that it must travel, there is a rate for fuel consumption. When an overrun occurs, the company compensates the driver for the extra amount spent, but only upon presentation of the check. Here and there is an opportunity for maneuver, and drivers do not miss it, buying fake checks at gas stations. For such a payment is sought compensation, allegedly for overruns, which was not even there. But since there is a check, there is compensation. With the presence of a fuel consumption monitoring system, you will always know the exact fuel consumption on any vehicle and be able to check whether there was an overspending or whether the driver is trying to deceive you.

Benefits of satellite monitoring

Advantages of GPS monitoring

The GPS monitoring system gives you the opportunity to receive up-to-date information that will significantly improve workflows. Among such information are:

1. Accurate and up-to-date report on fuel control with regard to speed, road conditions, as well as ups and downs on roads.

2. A detailed reporting system for moving a vehicle (stops, speed, and speeding information).

3. Create detailed schedules for fueling and draining of fuel, indicating the location, date and time of refueling or discharge.

4. Monitoring of sensor readings in real time (fuel consumption sensor, refrigerator temperature, engine temperature, rotation of concrete mixer nodes, etc.).

TOP-3 GPS tracker

Best GPS beacons

Looking for a quality and the best GPS Trackers? This rating of GPS Trackers is made on the basis of such parameters as: high demand with positive feedback from our customers, high-quality manufacturing — absence of factory defects and service calls, and official warranty and post warranty support in Ukraine.

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