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What not to do with the car in the cold-9 tips

What you should not do with the machine in the cold-9 tips

Winter is near, and this means that cardinal changes are coming soon in the lives of drivers. First you need to get used to the idea that sometimes you have to get up earlier. Also discard the "useful" tips of the pre-revolutionary period. Many of them have long been outdated. Not only are such recommendations not effective, sometimes they can, on the contrary, harm the car.

Recently, winter pleases us only with sleet and thaw. And public utilities often forget to clear the road in time. As a result, drivers, especially beginners, have no idea what to do: scrape off an ice crust or shovel a pile of snow. So let's see what is absolutely not necessary to do.

“Open” the machine with boiling water

The most ineffective idea of ​​all invented. Of course, if you do not mind in the near future to give money for a new painting or to make a complete replacement of the seals-no questions. And here consider the laws of physics: boiling water will also fall on the door lock. It’s possible that you’ll have to defrost it the next morning.

So, forget about boiling water and save the paint with seals.

Use WD-40 fluids

Use WD-40 fluids

Remember that WD-40 fluids are not the only solution. The mistake of most drivers is that they misuse it, forgetting about normal lubrication. And note that in addition to moisture, this liquid also removes oil, which contributes to accelerated wear of the rubbing parts.

Remove snow from the windshield using wipers

Remove snow from the windshield using

In winter, you can often find drivers whose horizons are limited to only a small area of ​​cleaned glass. And each of them is sure that “it will melt itself”, “itself will fly around”. Maybe it really is so, but first of all you need to think about security, which in such cases is 0.

Twist the starter "all the way"

Twist the starter until it stops

If the car does not start, it is not necessary to start turning the starter all the way. Just try again. Sometimes the reason lies in the low quality of fuel, on which the possibility of frost starting directly depends.

Warm up the engine to operating temperature

Warm up the engine to operating temperature

To wait until the temperature reaches the working area is the same as burning several liters of fuel. And with a diesel engine, things are even worse: it is heated only on the go. Just turn on the engine while you clear the car of snow. During this time, the lubricant accelerates according to the mechanisms and you can start to go quietly, without strong acceleration, because you still need to warm up the shock absorbers and oil KP.

Leave a car with an empty tank

Leave the car with an empty tank

To get a better and faster start in the morning, you need to fill the tank in the evening. After all, the more empty space, the more moisture is formed, which freezes and hampers the operation of the fuel pump. Therefore, do not be lazy in the evening to call in for refueling-5 minutes and the problem will be solved.

Wash Machine Frequently

Car wash often

Washing a car in a frost is equivalent to morning boiling water relative to its effect on car coating. Of course, this does not mean that all winter you will have to drive a dirty car, but you should refuse to visit the car washes often. Also in winter you need to abandon wiping the body with a dry cloth, since this is compared with sandpaper cleaning-the effect is the same.

Choose warm underground parking

Choose warm underground parking

It is a mistake to assume that such places can protect your car from the effects of frost. On the contrary, there is always high humidity. As a result, you are in the morning waiting for frozen windows, doors, and sometimes even locks.

Use the parking brake

Use the parking brake

Handbrake is really a useful mechanism, especially in the case of parking on an uneven surface. However, there is one problem: the pads are inside the drum or brake disc, where water gets perfectly, but almost never flows out. Therefore, it grabs them very often and sometimes you need to exert maximum effort to get the mechanism moving.

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