With the help of the selection wizard, you can easily select rear view cameras by basic criteria. Rearview camera to buy with delivery in Ukraine to Kharkov, Kiev, Odessa, you can on 130.com.ua.
Camera Type
To select a rear view camera based on its type, click on the corresponding image.

More information about the types of rear view cameras
Rear view cameras are universal and regular. Universal rear view cameras are suitable for almost any car, and the standard cameras are made specifically for a particular car model, taking into account the nuances in the design.
Car make
To select a standard rear view camera for a specific car, click on the corresponding auto logo.
Installation Type
To select a rear view camera based on the type of installation, click on the corresponding image.

More information about the types of rear view cameras
The mortise rear-view camera can be installed in the rear bumper of the car by drilling a hole in it, in which the camera will snap onto the latches, or with a lock nut.
The camera on the bracket can be installed on any suitable vehicle surface: bumper, body elements, room ceiling light. Attached to the car in two ways: either with double-sided tape or screws
A rearview camera in a license plate frame is also a universal solution and can be installed on almost any car. This design is a number frame with a built-in miniature camera, which is almost invisible.
Sensor Type
To select a rear view camera based on sensor type, click on the corresponding image.

The advantages of CMOS sensors are that they cost less to produce, have good energy efficiency, and high speed. The advantages of CCD arrays are that they have an excellent electronic shutter, which makes it possible to capture fast movements well. CCDs produce low noise images, which makes them more qualitative. They also shoot beautifully in low light.