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Anti-theft technology: the pros and cons of all systems

Those who do not have a car want to buy it, and those who have it want to keep it. We will tell you about one of the ways to increase car safety. Anti-theft devices are mechanical and electronic, and with the development of technology telematics systems have appeared. And what's better and safer?

Electronics VS Mechanics

Electronics VS Mechanics

Electronic anti-theft devices are immobilizers, secret buttons for electrical circuits, electronic tags, sirens, etc. The advantage of such models in their versatility: inexpensive and suitable for any car models. But they can also be hacked using programs, and remotely, without direct contact with the machine.

Mechanical anti-theft devices-locks, steering locks, pedals, gearbox, doors, hood. Such models can only detain a fraud at a crime scene. But this is enough to hijacker abandoned his bad idea. Mechanical models do not have variations in installation and take time to be mounted.

Telematic security systems-improved electronics. For example, a biometric protection that recognizes the owner of a car with a fingerprint and transmits information to a smartphone about the level of fuel, mileage, location of the car, etc. Buy a security system for a car in Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov with delivery in Ukraine at


Car Protection

It’s best to combine electronic and mechanical protection functions in the same device. There are several reasons for this:

it will be very difficult to hijack such a car, for this the hijacker will need to try very hard and even attract a whole group of fraudsters;

Both types of devices compensate for the advantages and disadvantages of each other.

There are also hybrid anti-theft devices that combine the principle of electronic and mechanical protection. For example, an electric lock or a ignition lock with an additional electronic chip.

Where and how to install

It is important not only to choose a security system, but also to install it correctly. It is necessary to entrust this process to experts. For example, at an authorized dealer, this procedure is already on stream, that is, no one there will develop an individual scheme for you. And this is very important. The hijackers have learned how to pick up codes for alarms, especially if it is installed incorrectly.

To improve security, it is better to additionally use immobilizers and electronic tags. They will cost you much less than a sophisticated alarm model, besides, hacking such a system will be very difficult.

There are companies that develop anti-theft systems for each car owner for a specific car. That is, you get the protection that the fraudster will face for the first time in his life, which means he will not risk breaking it.

Useful advice at the end: do not store the keys to the anti-theft in the same bundle with the keys to the house or car.

TOP-3 car alarms

Best alarms on the car

Looking for a quality and the best car alarms? This rating of car alarms is made on the basis of such parameters as: high demand with positive feedback from our customers, high-quality manufacturing — absence of factory defects and service calls, and official warranty and post warranty support in Ukraine.

Car alarm Pandora DXL 4710

Car alarm Pandora DXL 4710
  • ★ with engine start
  • ★ with 3xCAN, 2xLIN, GSM, GPS and Bluetooth
  • ★ High security against burglary

Car Alarm daVINCI PHI-330 PRO

Car Alarm daVINCI PHI-330 PRO
  • ★ With feedback
  • ★ Interactive code
  • ★ Two-level shock sensor and G-sensor

Car alarm Sheriff ZX-1090

Car alarm Sheriff ZX-1090
  • ★ Dynamic Code CFMII
  • ★ Anti-Frame mode ("Anti-Hi-Jack")
  • ★ Radius of action up to 2000 m

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