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Why is the car radio playing quietly

For many drivers, quality sound in the car is a very important issue, which pays a lot of attention and money. But sometimes it happens that the car owner replaced the factory audio system, the quality of which he did not really like, but the radio still continues to play quietly, rattles and extraneous noises are heard in the speakers. In such cases, it is necessary to look for the cause deeper. For example, the problem may be in one of the speakers, or there may be flaws in the whole system. Sometimes, in order to achieve the desired result, you have to completely change all the elements of the "sound" circuit or look for one that has caused poor sound quality.

Why the car radio is playing quietly

In order for the sound in the car to be high-quality, the issue must be approached comprehensively, so we will consider the main reasons that can affect the fact that the car radio plays quietly, overheats and different noises and noise are heard in the speakers.

The sound is quiet when listening to any files

Sometimes drivers complain that when you turn on a variety of tracks, regardless of the quality of their recording, very quiet sound is heard from the speakers. Moreover, the volume control has virtually no effect on the situation and does not solve the problem.

In this case, several possible reasons can be singled out at once:

  • The resistance and the output contacts of the head unit and the acoustics do not match.
  • Burned speaker or capacitors that protect your acoustics during peak loads.
  • The driver accidentally pressed the volume down button while talking on the phone or it stuck.

All of these points can answer the question: "Why did the car radio suddenly become very quiet to play?". However, there are several more reasons that may also lead to a decrease in playback quality.

Why the car radio is playing quietly

Inconsistent speaker components

When buying a car, some do not immediately pay attention to the installed audio system. And then they encounter problems of poor sound quality. Most often this is due to the fact that the system was not installed by professionals, the speakers were selected at random, which led to the fact that the components are simply not balanced among themselves. Such a system will play, but a clean, powerful sound is not always obtained. Here you need to check the whole chain from acoustics to wires and the radio itself. It is very important to pay attention to how the components are interconnected, since the speakers can also have polarity.

Modern headunits are usually tuned to operate at a power of about 50-55 watts. If this parameter does not match, then a sharp increase in volume can cause the speakers to simply burn out. In this situation, they will work at their minimum volume, and of course the sound will be very quiet. In addition, additional noise, rattle, rustling, etc. may appear, and the acoustics may begin to heat up.

Problems connecting via AUX output

Sometimes the radio plays quietly, which is a problem in the AUX connection. The most likely cause is poor quality or damaged connecting wire. This problem can be solved quite simply-just replace the faulty wire. Also, checking the settings in the head unit itself will not be superfluous.

Why the car radio is playing quietly

Noise in the speakers

There may be several reasons for such a phenomenon. For example, when installing an audio system in the car, wires that go to the speakers were damaged. After some time, they oxidized at the sites of damage, which caused deterioration or even complete disappearance of the contact. Sometimes the reason is that the contact is already damaged directly in the dynamics itself. This can only be verified by connecting a known-good speaker.

When all the speakers in the car are connected to a single output, immediately check the status of the initialntacta. Carefully look if it is oxidized, if there are any visible damage. Besides. Be sure to check the integrity of all connecting wires. If the matter is in the wire, then the solution to the problem is very simple-replacing the damaged wiring.

A very rare, but still possible situation is the complete failure of all acoustics. Speaker damage can result from frequent listening to music at peak volume. With such a load, the coils simply overheat and the glue with which they are connected dries up, which causes various noises and wheezing. In this case, most likely, you will have to completely change all the speakers.

Poor sound when listening to music at minimum volume

If the sound quality is very poor even at low volume, then the culprit in the occurrence of extraneous noise is likely to be the speakers. Most often, a similar picture is observed when the flexible wires that connect the terminals to the coil are damaged. Touch them, if the wheezing is gone, then you have found the reason. These wires are quite easy to replace, even disassembling the speaker for repair is not required.

Why the car radio is playing quietly

Distorted sound when listening at maximum volume

If the sound changes when you turn on the maximum or close to it volume, then the problem should be sought in the radio, power, or conduct a complete diagnosis of the car audio system.

If the radio and speakers are connected correctly, power is supplied, the voltage is matched, and the speaker is still phoning. Try to additionally check the condition of the speakers, or rather, their diffusers. If it is paper, made from cellulose, then sometimes the cause may be moisture that has got into the acoustics. This is due to the fact that with high humidity, the paper diffuser loses its elasticity, which negatively affects the sound quality.

As you can see, difficulties with sound can appear under the influence of a variety of reasons. Most often, you can conduct a check and identify the cause yourself, but in some cases it is better to contact a professional. An experienced master will be able to check the entire system comprehensively and identify all its weaknesses, will help not only repair, but also improve the car's speaker system. If you want to completely update the audio system, then in the online store you can always buy a car radio in Kiev, Odessa or Kharkov. We have a large selection of headunits, digital receivers, as well as car speakers: speakers, subwoofers, midbasses and much more for car audio.

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