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Tips for setting up rear-view mirrors in a passenger car

Rearview mirrors-an important design for the safe movement of cars. With the help of such mechanisms it is possible to control the situation outside the zone of visibility of the driver without unnecessary movements of the head. For effective work of mirrors, they need to be configured correctly. Unfortunately, some drivers neglect this moment. What we get in the end? Frequent accidents during rebuilding or overtaking, because the car in the passing direction disappears for a while from the view. How to fix the situation? Easy-you need to properly adjust the mirrors.

Rear-view mirror

What is a “dead” zone of a car?

The blind zone of the car is the part of the space that does not fall within the zone of visibility of the car. They appear due to the incorrect position of the mirrors, large passengers who simply block the view, oversized cargo, high head restraints, etc. Sometimes it is enough just to adjust the mirrors, and in other cases the driver will still have to turn out to control the situation.

Two main types of "dead" zones:

  • Left "dead" zone. In most cars there is no, because modern side mirrors have variable curvature. If the left mirror is equipped with a vertical bar, the space behind it is slightly distorted. Due to this, you can easily notice the cars on the next lane.
  • In the right side mirror, the non-visible area is much larger. Therefore, when changing to the right lane, the driver must be very careful.
Tips for setting up mirrors in the car

How to properly adjust the rear-view mirrors?

Each driver has individual settings for the mirrors. After all, it depends on the car itself, the physical data of the driver and other features. Therefore, if you get into someone else's car, first of all, adjust the position of the mirrors.

There are general recommendations that will avoid the "dead" zones:

  • The viewing angles of the side mirrors should be positioned so as to block the visibility of the salon mirror. To do this, rotate the side structures so that the rear area of ​​the car was as accessible as possible for review. But the side surface of the car body in the review should not fall. If done correctly, you will eliminate the appearance of blind spots.
  • Get used to the absence in the reflection of your car. This is the only way to avoid dead zones and, as a result, emergency situations.

A great helper in such situations- Parktronic with the control function of "blind zones". Their principle of operation is simple: the sensors check the area in front of themselves for the presence of any obstacles and, if they are detected, give the appropriate signal. All of them differ in the number of sensors (from 4 to 12), display (LCD or LED), additional functionality. In the case of monitoring "blind spots", additional sensors are installed on the side of the bumper.

Rearview Cameras give the image to the display: you completely control the "dead" zone. Moreover, the display can be installed in the form of a lining on the salon mirror or even replace this design. It is possible to buy a rear-view mirror in Odessa, Kiev, Kharkov with delivery across Ukraine on

Tips for setting up mirrors in the car

When should I look in the rearview mirror?

If you haven’t previously used a rearview mirror , you need to develop a habit of looking at him in such situations:

  • before any maneuver: overtaking, rebuilding, starting the way; braking;
  • when starting to drive in reverse, but here you need to look alternately in the side and in the salon mirror;
  • before opening the doors.

To make sure that the rear-view mirrors are set up correctly, use friend’s help. To do this, you must sit behind the wheel, and your friend do maneuvers around you at a distance of 2 m. If you find "dead zones", correct the adjustment of the structure.

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