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The number of cameras on the roads increases, the driver what to do?

The government recently taking active measures to reduce the number of offenses on the roads. This is especially true speeding, as this often leads to a very sad and even tragic consequences. Statistics show that about 40% of all offenses on the roads of Ukraine-it's non-compliance with the rules by drivers speeding. To combat this in 2020 was launched by a system of automatic fixing of offenses. Now the country's roads has grown to over 160 cameras, and their number will only grow.

The number of cameras on the Ukrainian roads increases, the driver what to do?

Upgrading automatic locking system violations on the road

Officials of the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Ministry of Interior are actively working in this direction. Among the main measures already taken and to be taken in the near future include the following:

Installing new cameras

Not so long ago on the Ukrainian roads was already established 90 new cameras that will record the offense on the part of drivers. About this in his Telegram channel said the chairman of the State Agency of infrastructure projects in Ukraine Krill Khomyakov. New cameras have been put into operation as soon as the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine received them. And by the end of the year, officials plan to transfer still about 130 cameras are also set on the Ukrainian roads.

Meanwhile, Interior Minister concluded that by the end of this year to prepare the establishment of another 220 autocommit cameras. And in 2021 it is planned to add about 300 cameras.

The number of cameras on the Ukrainian roads increases, the driver what to do?

Using additional modern equipment

But the installation of the cameras-it's not the only direction offenses fixation system modernization. All carefully thought out and developed in the complex. Thus, the Interior Ministry reported that in the near future, employees will receive 4 special car "phantom" that can capture the speed of vehicles on the road. Furthermore, the police receive 30 modern mobile stations and 30 special mobile laboratories. They allow to check the technical condition of not only roads but also passing vehicles on them. In addition, law enforcement agencies will have 72 TruСam camera that can operate autonomously and record violations automatically, without human intervention.

Tailoring cameras

Also in the near future is planned not only to increase the number of cameras on the roads, but also a significant expansion of their functionality. After the modernization of the camera can capture, in addition to speeding, and even travel to the forbidden red light, crossing the double solid line, and some other disorders.

How the installation of cameras has been effective?

Of course, the goal set by the camera is to eliminate the possibility of impunity to exceed the speed limit for drivers. According to the Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Vladislav Crickley, has for the first 100 days of his autocommit camera work to boost the coffers of almost 100 ml. UAH. However, the drivers were able to find their way pretty quickly, and as they got information about where the installation lock chambers, then learned to "cheat" them. Manages to avoid punishment for those who advance reduces the rate of the camera. That is, the camera can not detect the violation and the driver does not receive a notification with a penalty. This led to the fact that gradually reduced the income from the cameras. According to official data, the decline is quite significant-about 30%


That is, it turns out that now the camera captures almost a third less crime.

The number of cameras on the Ukrainian roads increases, the driver what to do?

However, according to the National Police, despite the reduction in the number of prescribed penalties on motorists in roads, pure accidents has not decreased. On the contrary, if we analyze the statistics for the period from the beginning of the work chambers, the number of road accident in Kyiv region increased by 30,8%.

What driver?

If you do not want to get into trouble with the camera video fixation, it can take advantage of specially designed for the occasion devices-Radar detector (radar detectors) with the function of the detection cameras and the GPS-informer. The purpose of these gadgets is to pre-war the driver about the cameras, which will slow down and not get into the lens. In addition, the use of such devices improves safety, since the camera is usually installed in high-risk areas, where often before an accident occurred. That is, if you advance to slow down, at the entrance to a dangerous area, it is to reduce the risk of being in an accident.

The principle of operation of radar detectors is that they have special sensors that can detect certain frequencies at which the various road radars operate. In addition, they usually have a database where all the placements marked video fixation cameras. In addition, there are models that support GPS, they are more functional, because they can receive data in real time and very accurately determine the speed of movement of the vehicle. And when the car approaches the camera with high speed, the system will sound an alarm. The driver has time to take timely action and reduce speed.

The number of cameras on the Ukrainian roads increases, the driver what to do?

Among the advantages of the use of radar detectors can distinguish such:

  • Timely information about the cameras installed on the road.
  • Increase driving safety, since the driver should reduce speed in the most dangerous areas.
  • Minimizing the risk of committing the offense of exceeding the speed limit.

As you can see, radar detectors and the GPS-informers-these are good helpers on the road for each of the modern driver. Therefore, you should definitely think about their purchase. Our online store offers a variety of models with different functionality at a reasonable price. You can always buy a radar detector in Kiev, Kharkov and Odessa online store with delivery in Ukraine.

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Radar detector Sho-Me QUATTRO SIGNATURE
  • ★ with informative display
  • ★ with GPS module
  • ★ capture angle: 180 °

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