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How to choose a radar detector?

Stretch your shwedness, you can navigate not zumisne, it is important to maximally protect yourself from mozhlivih penalties. Do you have a radar detector for you? Nezvazhayuchi on your visoku populyuschіn, not skinny avovlasniki maєonne uyavlennya pro tsey pristіr.

The radar detector is a special rad_opriymach, which includes rad_ohvilі polіtseyyskikh radarіv, schodimirovat švidkist peresuvannya TZ. This is the main reason for such constructions and, at the same time, the same signal. At the same time, with an hour's reserve, you could cut off the intelligence.

Taki mehanizmi vinikli vіdrazu z emerge politsya radar. First models shopped in 1961 rots vіd companies Radatron Tonawanda. Behind the form, wіn, representing a zvičynu box, with vydrіznyatsya good compactnіstyu і mіg viyaviti polіtseyski_ attachment for 2 km.

Yak vibra radar detector?

Special Features of Designs

The radar detector can be fixed in a different way. Deyaky especially popular ways:

  • on the suction cup: you can insert it on the frontal one;
  • on gluing a page: fixing on the front panel of the car;
  • sticky kilimoq: a straightforward installation that can take mech in time;
  • magnetic gripe: installation for additional magnetic plates on the p_stavci і in the building of a radar detector.

Information can be displayed at the back of the LCD-LED or OLED-display. Sami budgetary options to be equipped with the most brilliant svitlovimi indicators. Ale here is the head of the head of the mainland and the yakis of the functional function, but of the young is possible because of the police radar.

See the radar detector title

Frequency Range

Tsei is the parameter that determines the frequency of operation, as long as the specific radar detector is visible. Kozen politsya radar pratsyuє on singing frequency, your model is to blame for the wide range of frequencies.

Fundamentals are based on police mechanisms:

  • X-band (8-12 GHz.)-zamdarіlі models, that duzno if they are installed on the roads.
  • K-band (18-26.5 GHz) is a wider range. Practically everything is practical in all polars.
  • Ka-dia (26.5-40 GHz) -new accessories. So, models will activate the signal at a distance of more than 1.5 km. Our country is not a victorious range.
  • Ku-range (12-18 GHz) -due to live well, more extensively in the territories of the Baltics and Europe.

І є more than one nuance. Radar can be promoted after a short signal. Bіlshіst radarіv infection in other regimes. Tom I it all the more important zazdalegіd. For such additions peredbachenі spetsіalnі we roboti: Ultra-X, Ultra-K, Ultra-Ka.

Lazer Lazer Laser Range. Zamіst rad_ohvilі here vikoristovuvatsya laserny promіn. Stinks of the great robots і mozhut shvidko viznachati shvidkist ruhu. When this is done, the work is more important. In addition, because of such an attachment, they didn’t stink of popularity in our country. Schob "nozhezarazuvati" taki models, potrіben radar detector with laser Vipromіnyuvannyam.

Є also appending to the Pop-range, which can be shown by the Polish radar be a frequency.

See the assignment of radar

What is more radar detector p_dtrimu dіpazonіv roboti, sim krashte yogo shansnichitnit pol_tseysky radar. However, it does not mean, for example, for example, in the K-range, if you look at all the radars in the frequency range. Do not forget about poliotsey radar voskosalyuyutsya: be equipped with special programs, let them be invisible for radar detectors.

At the link, earn extra attention on the number of radio numbers that are received, the frequency of the frequencies. Nayposhirenіsі polіtseyski radar- "Strіlka", "Strіlka-M", "Strіlka-ST", "Kr_s", "Vіzir", "Rad_s". Especially stinks are popular with great cities and mega-cities.

In regions and regions, the radar “Iskra” abo “Berkut” is established. Already not popular, ale ydut to the mark of the mark- "Cordon", "Krechet", "Arena", "Avtouragan".

In addition, because of the fact that the police radar is portable, you can guess what you yourself will be able to do, without help. First, in the installation of a radar detector is indicated, for example, only 3 rocket police radar, then it does not mean that you shouldn’t break it. It means 100%, 100% of all models of roznіznaє, and resta-yak show situation.

GPS module

For bolshoi security, the crash is vibrati models with a GPS module. You will get access to the stationary radar complexes and the radar systems of the fleet. In this case, the module module is insurance, but not the main element attached.

If your radar detector doesn’t have to assign a virtual radar detector, then an inter-station stationary radar map will be available to help.

Yak vibrati radar detector?

Scientist under the heading

Bagatokh of the European Territories Viktoristan radar detectors punish by law. If you often get more expensive for cars, then pay attention to new functions. For example, the VG2 system, or Specter I. The stench to allow you to turn on the stealth mode і otryvamvati information about police radar.

Yak vibra radar detector?

Interconnection Okremich Range

Everywhere you live in the city, this is the way to save the system. The stench can enter through the ones that are often often blocked by third-party signals. Schob not wait for the skin signal, the frequency can be switched on. Ale Robiti all potrіbno with rozum. For example, we do not have a radar with a range of Ka and K.

Dear і budget: chi є riznitsya?

Road models can be in dekalkoh regimes, stinks can stifle sensitivity and i can see a real signal of interchange. For the rahokhun what you can replace the komkіst pomilkovih spratsovuvany.

In the result you will see the system, the signal will be given in daily terms. In addition, the best part of the road is to be equipped with a GPS-module with automatic updates.

Ale and budget models do not warrant discount at work, aja stinks cope with their own goals. Ale yak not cool, bіlsh darі radar detector it was enacted his robot exactly.

you can buy a radar detector in Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov at Delivery in Ukraine.

Divide into radar detectors

TOP 3 radar detector

Best car radar detectors

Looking for a quality and the best car radar detectors? This rating of car radar detectors is made on the basis of such parameters as: high demand with positive feedback from our customers, high-quality manufacturing — absence of factory defects and service calls, and official warranty and post warranty support in Ukraine.

Car radar detector with GPS logger Playme SILENT 2

Car radar detector with GPS logger Playme SILENT 2
  • ★ Exact definition of cameras and radars
  • ★ The presence of voice alerts
  • ★ GPS module for detecting monitoring stations

Radar detector Sho-Me G-800 Signature

Radar detector Sho-Me G-800 Signature
  • ★ With built-in GPS module
  • ★ Detects radars: TruCam, ISKRA, CORDON, ROBOT, CRETCH, ARROW
  • ★ With OLED display

Radar detector Sho-Me QUATTRO SIGNATURE

Radar detector Sho-Me QUATTRO SIGNATURE
  • ★ with informative display
  • ★ with GPS module
  • ★ capture angle: 180 °

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