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GPS navigators Tenex

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Driving safely on the roads with the ability to get to your destination in a short period is possible with the help of a professional navigator. This device will be able to show not only possible route options, but also to comment on when and where to turn, and where it is not worth it. An excellent solution in this segment will be GPS navigators Tenex.

The famous Ukrainian brand has been operating in the automotive electronics and technology market for many years. During this time, the company has developed and released various models of GPS navigators Tenex and video recorders with excellent technical characteristics. Each model or product line has better, more modern functionality that makes the brand popular and products in demand in the market.

Wide functionality and performance

Buy GPS navigators Tenex offered with the operating system Microsoft Windows CE 5. Some models are equipped with Wi-Fi, there is a built-in memory, and you can increase it using a microSD card. The device has a sufficiently sized display, beautiful and simple design.

These Tenex devices perfectly fit to the windshield, which provides excellent placement and observation of what is happening on its screen. All devices are well equipped and functional. Choose and buy GPS navigators Tenex right now, in the online store

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