Engine Heaters Roadmap
A quick start-up of the engine and the start of the car in the wintertime can ensured by using the Roadmap engine heaters. With their help, you can quickly perform heating of the coolant or diesel fine filter. As a result, the driver will be able to quickly start and get to the destination in time. The company Roadmap provides two types of heaters: Electrical starting device for preheating the engine coolant. Bandage heater for fuel filter (for cars running on diesel). The first option is to heat the engine cooling fluid. It is often installed, both on foreign and domestic passenger cars. Installation of the engine heating data Road Map carried out from the outside of the cooling system. Power produced from the mains at 220V. It recommended buying engine heating of the Road Map of the bandage type and it recommended installing them in the winter. After all, it is during this period that the viscosity of diesel fuel increases during an idle car. The use of this preheating reduces these indicators, as a result, the formed paraffins dissolve and the permeability of the fuel filter stabilizes. Choose and buy engine heaters Road Map that we offer you right now, in the online store 130.com.ua. |