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Car Alarms - Master of selection

How to choose a car alarm

When choosing the car alarm , you first need to decide on the type of connection. There are one-way, two-way (alarm with feedback) and GSM alarm.

One-way alarms have a very limited range and only notify the owner with a siren.

Two-way alarms have a greater range and in addition to the siren’s sound, they also notify the owner of the two-way key fob.

GSM alarm system works on the principle of two-way alarm, but has unlimited range and control via a mobile phone. Notifications on the status of cars also come to your mobile phone.

Also, you should pay attention to the degree of security of the alarm system against hacking, it depends on the encryption algorithm. To date, the most secure is the interactive code.

Among the additional functions of alarms, the most useful are the autorun engine, GPS logger, the hands-free function, the light path and the ability to control from a smartphone.

Car alarm is a car security device that protects a vehicle from intellectual hacking and notifies the owner of an attempted theft or penetration of a car. You can buy car alarm in Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov with delivery in Ukraine at

Car alarm type

To select a car alarm based on its type, click on the corresponding image.

GSM alarm system
GSM alarm system

More information about the types of alarms

One-sided-charms without a display, a smaller radius of action and notification occurs only through a beep.

Bilateral has charms with a display to which information about the state of the car is transmitted. The range of such trinkets is often an order of magnitude higher than the previous ones, but also limited.

GSM alarms are comparable in price to two-way phones, but have an unlimited range and maximum protection against intelligent hacking. The control takes place both from the keyfob and from the mobile phone.

Burglary Protection

To select a car alarm based on its security against hacking, click on the corresponding image.


More information about burglary protection

Dialogue coding is considered the most cryptographic and reliable, followed by dynamic coding and coding using a static code is considered the most unreliable today.

Additional Functions

To select a car alarm based on its advanced features, click on the corresponding image.

Autostart engine
Autostart engine
CAN module
CAN module

More information about additional features

Autostart Engine

Autostart of the engine allows to warm the car in cold winter and cool it in summer. The autostart function is doubly relevant in cars with a diesel engine. There are several options for auto-starting the engine: from the keyfob (forcibly), cyclic auto-start (every 2–3–4 hours the engine is automatically started for 10 minutes and then the car is muffled), starting the engine using a temperature sensor, starting the engine by battery voltage.

CAN module

This module allows you to dock the alarm with any modern car equipped with a digital CAN-bus. The most important thing is that when installing the security system, there is a minimum of interventions in the regular wiring of the car itself (that is, the number of connection points of the alarm system itself in the car wiring is minimized). All conventional two-way systems without a CAN module, as a rule, imply a rather serious interference with the vehicle's wiring, which sometimes can lead to incorrect work of regular electronic car units.

GPS Module

The GPS module is designed to determine the exact geographical coordinates of the vehicle.

Smartphone Control

Using a smartphone or tablet, you can control almost all car alarm functions through a special application on Android and iOS.

Light Path

In the dark after the car is armed, the headlights will burn for some time, illuminating the way, for example, to the entrance.

The lineup

With car alarms buy

Mechanical interlocks

Often, installing one alarm is not enough to fully protect a car from theft. The main task of car alarms is to protect against intelligent hacking and notifying the owner of an attempted carjacking. Mechanical blockers will not allow an attacker who gets inside the car to leave. There are locks blocking the steering wheel, hood and gearbox.

Advanced Sensors

Additional sensors improve the security functions of car alarms. There are several types of sensors-volume sensors, tilt and displacement sensors. Volume sensors are triggered by the penetration or approach to the car. The tilt sensor is triggered when the car is trying, for example, to load onto a tow truck, that is, when the angle of the car changes. The displacement sensor is triggered when the vehicle is moved, for example, when trying to take a car in tow.


Siren performs one of the main functions of the alarm-notifies the owner when trying to steal a car. Some alarms have a siren in the kit, but most manufacturers do not complete their alarms with sirens.

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