Myths about Autostart Engine

Autostart engine-one of the most useful features that have some car alarms. So many motorists believe-and they do it for a reason. After all, with the help of the engine startup you can forget about the long warming up of the engine before the trip, especially in the winter season. It’s enough just to start the engine from home with the help of a key fob or a mobile phone-and voila, you are just about to leave, and the car is already warming up. Really great? That is why most drivers love this feature, but there are those who do not want to realize this opportunity in their car, because they are afraid because of the common myths about the engine autostart. In this article, we just sort out popular myths and disprove them. It is worth noting that all the myths discussed may well be a reality, but only if the autorun function was implemented incorrectly.
Myth # 1-A car left on a gear can go somewhere

First, consider the option with an automatic transmission. The car will not go anywhere for one simple reason-you simply can not start the engine if the gearbox is not switched to “Parking” mode. So, if you leave the car on the transfer, the autostart simply does not work.
As for the manual transmission, then everything is similar, but before starting the engine will need to do a number of actions. So, after you parked, you need to tighten the handbrake and put the car into neutral, after that you need to turn on the engine autostart using a key fob or a mobile phone (depending on the model alarm for auto ). Next, the car should flash lights and give a beep. After that, pull the key out of the ignition lock and get out of the car. If done correctly, the engine still has to continue working. Then you can set the car to arm and the engine will automatically shut off. After all these actions, the car's electronics allow you to do a remote start, since all the conditions for this will be met-the handbrake is tightened and the gear is neutral. As a result, as in the case of the automatic transmission, if the car is in gear, the autorun will not turn on. You can buy an alarm with auto start in Odessa, Kharkov and Kiev at with delivery in Ukraine.
Myth # 2-A car with a running engine can easily be hijacked

One of the most common myths-in a car with a running engine, you can just break the glass, get inside and leave. Just want to say that this is not entirely true. After all, even if the engine is working, the car is still on guard, respectively, if the hijacker tries to break the window and get inside, the alarm will go off and the engine will be blocked. However budget car alarms with auto engine start when you turn on the remote start, disable the shock sensor so that it does not trigger on the vibration of the case while the engine is running, and because of this, the car alarm will not respond to breaking the glass.
In more expensive security systems, while the engine is running, the shock sensor does not shut off completely, but only reduces its sensitivity to a level that does not respond to vibrations, but continues to respond to shocks.
Myth # 3-Immobilizer Crawler-This is Insecure

If the car has a regular immobilizer, then the immobilizer tracker is required to implement the autostart function. This is the device in which the second car key is placed to simulate the presence of a key in the ignition lock. In some cases, a key blank or an immobilizer tag, which is previously removed from the key, is placed in the crawler. Immobilizer lineman itself is connected to the ignition lock. Thus, when the car alarm gives a command to start the engine, the car checks if there is a key in the ignition key with the immobilizer. And since the key is in the crawler and the crawler is connected to the ignition, the car detects the presence of the key and starts the engine.
Because of this, there is an unjustified fear among motorists that once a car determines that there is a key in the lock, it is enough to turn the lock with some sort of master key or improvised means and the car will start and go. Such a situation may occur if the engine is not installed correctly.
To avoid this, a special relay is installed in the circuit, which will determine where the engine start command came from. For example, if the start command went from turning the key in the ignition, then the key will be scanned in the lock, and if the command is from the alarm unit, then the key must be scanned in the immobilizer tracker, but only once, after the engine has been successfully started through the crawler the relay will switch to the main circuit of the security system, and the next start of the engine will require the presence of a key in the ignition lock.
Autostarting the engine in the alarm system is a safe function when installed correctly, so if you plan to install the car alarm with the engine auto start, then contact the installation professionals.
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