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How to drive in extreme conditions?

More and more car owners, even with many years of experience, are interested in learning to drive in extreme weather conditions. This is due to the desire of everyone to protect themselves and their passengers from possible emergencies.

For most, extreme driving is nothing more than a type of motor sport that doesn’t concern ordinary drivers. They do not even realize that they fall into such conditions almost every day, especially in large cities.

This is also the usual driving on a slippery road, with poor visibility or in conditions of other "surprises" that the weather has prepared for us. As you can see, these can be any situations where there is a risk of an accident and the safety of the trip is reduced.

Driving under extreme conditions

Of course, the following recommendations will not make you drift racing or a stuntman, but they will help you stay safe even in the most difficult situations on the road.

Why are drivers interested in teaching extreme driving?

More and more motorists, even those who have an impressive driving experience, are interested in professional courses from instructors regarding driving in extreme conditions. Some have already found themselves in such situations and do not want to repeat them, others simply wish to prevent them.

The main goal in such lessons is to teach the driver to overcome fear and control their cars, even in such incidents. Bad weather conditions: ice, fog, rain, snow can psychologically affect even the most experienced drivers, especially if he is also responsible for passengers.

Driving in extreme conditions includes the following skills:

  • To brake on ice and poor visibility, and with the simultaneous presence of these conditions.
  • Quickly able to turn in icy conditions.
  • If there is a long slip, be able to reduce the impact and prevent a possible skid of a car.
  • Fast braking in cases of risk of collision with other road users.
  • A quick detour of obstacles, in the collision with which an emergency on the road can happen.
  • Ability to make sharp turns under extreme conditions.

Of course, these are not all required skills, but the basic ones, which every driver should have. Tips on driving in such conditions allow you to quickly gain the necessary knowledge and improve driving skills.

Only after the driver receives not only the theoretical part, but also practical, he can safely get behind the wheel of a car and go on a trip even on the most difficult roads.

Driving under extreme conditions

How to avoid problems in extreme weather conditions

To avoid possible accidents due to bad weather conditions, it is necessary to prevent the creation of accidents on the road. For this:

  • Avoid driving when visibility is poor, especially in fog. As a rule, a significant part of accidents is due to the fact that drivers, thinking that they are supermen, decide not to stop the movement, even if there is practically nothing visible due to fog. If the trip is inevitable, then take all safety measures: turn on the dipped beam and slow down, use a wiper.
  • Control reliable tire grip. For example, if there is a downpour, then the road becomes very slippery, so it is more difficult for the driver to drive his car. If you feel that the movement of the machine is out of control, slow down. The behavior of the car in such situations depends on the quality of the tires used. Therefore, it is not recommended to save on such elements.
  • Avoid high temperatures. No less dangerous is riding in the heat. Too high a temperature leads to overheating of important car designs, which is also the cause of many accidents. To prevent them, you need: if the temperature sensor signals a danger, turn off the air conditioner and turn on the heater. So, the hot air will go from the engine to the cabin. Of course, you may get very hot, but open windows will save the situation, and you will avoid a possible breakdown.
  • Take safety measures in the winter. Snow-covered road or ice-the most dangerous time to travel, even short-term. It is especially important to pay attention to rough roads. It is recommended to drive at low speeds.

Remember that extreme conditions can occur even on an ordinary highway. Therefore, you need to prepare for different situations and be able to control your car even during heavy precipitation, frost or heat. All of the above recommendations are an “ambulance” for every motorist who appreciates his own safety and passengers.

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