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Neoline Radar Detectors

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Very often, the driver in excess of the speed of movement on the road may face the problem of fixing the offense on police cameras or radar. In order to protect themselves in this case, a modern and innovative device is perfect – Neoline radar detectors.

Greater accuracy and speed in determining radars and police cameras

The well-known global manufacturer of automotive electronics under the Neoline brand has been producing high-quality, certified products that meet high quality standards for over 10 years. Among the products presented by the manufacturer, radar detectors, video recorders, GPS navigators and mononavigators are manufactured. In addition, many models of car recorders are presented with a built-in radar detector, which is more convenient and functional.

Neoline radar detectors are of high quality and performance. Most models are designed to meet the specific laws of the country and provide an opportunity to adhere to speed limits on the road. Neoline radar detectors are preferred because of the following features:

1. Definition of the Arrow radio module

2. Designation of the Avtodoria complexes.

3. Availability of GPS module.

4. Equipment OLED or diode display.

In addition, some models are distinguished by high sensitivity and the presence of several mounting options in the vehicle cabin. Select and enable radar detectors Neoline is offered right now, in the online store

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